
El Pampero (2017)

thriller | 102 Min
Rating: /10

Movie Info

  • Release Date: 09 March 2017
  • Genres: Thriller
  • Country: Argentina, France
  • Language: Spanish

Movie Story

Suffering from a secret terminal illness, Fernando (Julio Chávez) decides to leave urban life behind, setting out in a sailboat to find whatever solace remains available to him in nature. Fernando’s solitude is compromised, however, by his unexpected encounter with Carla (Pilar Gamboa), a young woman pursued by authorities for a crime she did not commit.

The latest from Argentine director Matías Lucchesi echoes the bucolic setting and intergenerational dynamics of his feature debut, Natural Sciences, while introducing a quicker pulse and greater urgency into his repertoire. Instead of a burden, Carla’s desperate situation becomes a sort of gift for Fernando, an opportunity for him to feel meaningfully alive and in human communion one last time.

Trailers & Videos


El Pampero Movie Trailer


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